Don't Let Suicide be the Silent Killer

Suicide  is a topic most of us would like to avoid bringing up. Unfortunately, not talking about it does not seem to be working. Here are some truths:

  1. Suicide is a leading killer in our world and shows no signs of slowing down.
  2. Being rich, poor, different race, color, culture, or living in different countries seem to have little bearing on suicide rates.
  3.  Talking about suicide doesn’t “implant” the thought or make someone more likely to commit suicide.
  4.  When public figures commit suicide, there is a spike in suicide around the country.
  5. Increasing our awareness and ability to talk about suicide is thought to be one of the best deterrents.

Watch for the Signs!

Looking for possible signs of suicide is always a good idea. Even if those people you care about have these signs, the only way to know for sure is to talk to them about it!

  • Isolating from others.
  • Not doing things they used to like to do.
  • Can appear numb or to not care.
  • Unusual sleep patterns.
  • Change in diet/exercise.
  • Avoid or get upset when topics of the future come up.
  • Not connecting socially with others.
  • Having past thoughts or attempts of suicide is an increased risk in general