Stress Therapy For The Overwelmed

No Worries

Don't let tension become an unwelcome friend!

Learn to unwind and get rid of stress. Stress therapy can help but there are also many other things you can try!

Relaxation tips

  1. Relax your body- a tense body is what starts up the stress response, you know that fight or flight response!
  2. Focus on something else- staying fixated on whatever is stressing you out will only continue to escalate the stress.
  3. Go outside- it is well documented how being outdoors in open green spaces can help reduce stress.
  4. Be around family and friends-Allow yourself to be around those that you enjoy to get time to recharge. 
  5. Rinse and repeat number 1&2- your body and mind will start to be drawn back to the stress like a bug to a light. Keep this in mind and redirect yourself to relax as needed!

Practice Makes Perfect


Our body and mind need to recharge regularly. In our world today, we have become used to stress and anxiety. This means we have to practice relaxing, since we are not always used to being in that state. 

You may need help to relax, especially if stress has been a part of your life for a long time. Relaxing is a learned skill and there may be blocks you experience when trying to. If that is the case, contact us and we can help. 

For more information, check out our anxiety page and our blog.  Here are more tips to reduce stress.

time to slow down

Stress therapy, stress counseling, anxiety counseling, anxiety therapy